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Ancilla Vestments fashions bespoke liturgical pieces for use in the Roman Catholic liturgy and devotional life. Commissions are made with care and devotion by a consecrated hermit living a life of prayer in the idylls of Constable Country, Suffolk. Locally woven silk fabrics are selected with care and finished using traditional hand techniques so that every item is a labour of love and adoration to God.

The summit of my day is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and it is around this that my prayers and sewing revolve; rotating along with the Seasons of Holy Mother Church. Over a decade of interest in sewing as a hobby has culminated in two years of studying at the prestigious and internationally renowned Royal School of Needlework, where I have been awarded a Certificate in Hand Embroidery and now studying for the Diploma. Joining together my love of the Holy Mass and traditional sewing, I founded Ancilla Vestments to create unique pieces worthy for use in the Sacred Liturgy.
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